Aboriginal Education

Raising the bar of expectations, raising deserve level

Post Secondary Students Program

Personal Development and Empowerment to handle change and become successful

The Purpose

  • How the new student can succeed in adjusting to their new environment and stay on course
  • Awaken in the Student their power that is dormant within.
  • Awaken the student to the power and the opportunities that are at their disposal in today’s world
  • Inspire them to build the true self image in harmony with the power that resides in them.
  • Set goals and vision and develop the passion to accomplish their vision.
  • To assess the aftercare needs for increased retention.

The Program & Outcome

  1. Enlarge their choices and expand their belief of what they can be do and have. That they can build a beautiful future for their family, their community and themselves.
  2. Empowerment to handle new big city culture and living and educating with the world community.
  3. They can lead their Nations and empower their Nations.
  4. To unlock their imagination and let their imagination be free to roam the Universe and create a vision of their heart. And believe in it, live in it, and manifest it.
  5. Raise the student’s deserve level that they are able to expect the best out of the world.
  6. To have a paradigm shift, a deep change in their thinking pattern. Thinking pattern of Success to become their natural state of mind.
  7. Enhance Self Reliance and Self Confidence and cultivate Courage.
  8. Educate themselves for Today’s World and for the right reason ……to become a greater person.

Internship/Mentorship Program

Building Leaders of Tomorrow

Career and Business Building Internship and Mentorship Initiative in the Field of Action

On site hands on training on how economies work, federal and corporate finances, cultures and political and justice systems work both domestically and globally. And how all of it affects every individual life on Earth.

Method and Delivery

  • Major Stock Exchange visit with practical hands-on onsite training. How the stock and bond markets work, the life blood of the economy and the world. How it affects countries and cultures.
  • Visit to Science Centers and Information Communication Technology related platform to reveal how the human mind innovates and changes civilizations….Onsite training of history of progress through Man’s Mind and Imagination.
  • Visit to museum to study history of civilization and life on earth; the fastest cross cultural training to deal with the speedy ongoing globalization of economies and cultures. (going back to the roots to see how the fruits evolved and how further progress can be foreseen)
  • Visit to Art Gallery to know how we can know each other through the arts.
  • Attending the theatre (stage show) subject to availability the prelude to the movies and TV. The culture of the west and the east through live entertainment and classics.
  • Visit to Museum of Civilization to understand the history the culture and the power of the Aboriginal People of the Americas.
  • Visit to a Corporate Boardroom in a major city….how business works today.
  • Cross cultural sessions for business development and the art of communicating with other major cultures for social and economic gains.
  • Visit to a major university and the understanding of the evolution of the educational system of the world to cater to economics, culture, politics, science and philosophy.
  • International foods and their effects on culture economics and health.
  • Cross cultural training for Asia, Europe and the Americas in an International Trade Fair platform subject to availability

The above program can be customized and built for different locations such as Toronto, Ottawa, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Taipei.

It also can be customized for different groups with different levels of understanding such as high school and post secondary students, leadership, education authorities, health service providers, economic and human resources development personnel, political leaders, entrepreneurs and for career building.

This Initiative could be also customized for existing business organization personnel in the community.