Let's Make The Spirituality Institute Great - Time-Tested Ancient System on How To Vision and Manifest the Vision
Exclusive gift for members of the Spirituality Institute
As promised during our first online Zoom session, in our quest to develop the Spirituality Institute to its highest potential Master Sen is pleased to provide the following complimentary audio downloads of Chapters 19 and 20 of his best selling book, Ancient Secrets of Success, which give invaluable insights on how to vision and manifest the vision and the Four Steps of Visioning.
These two audio Chapters could be a great aid to develop the Spirituality Institute's vision and manifest that vision as discussed in our first online session November 7, 2023.
Ancient Secrets of Success
Chapter 19 - How To Vision and Manifest The Vision
Duration: 21 minutes
In this insightful audio Master Sen asks the questions, "Who is visioning?" and "What is the Substance with which the Vision is brought into Manifestation?"
Knowing who is visioning and the substance with which the vision is manifested gives us the confidence in our ability to manifest our visions with ease.
Chapter 20 - Four Steps to Visioning - How to vision and get what you want
Duration: 54 minutes
In this Chapter Master Sen guides the listener through the four steps of bringing a vision into fruition from intention, imagination, visioning and manifestation. When we know them and have control over them, we can create the world of our conscious choosing.

How To Download Your Audio Copy of
Ancient Secrets of Success
Chapters 19 and 20
We provide two options for your download. Option 1 gives you the opportunity to join Tulshi Sen Consulting's newsletter
and receive updates on his insightful blogs and podcasts. Option 2 is a direct download with no optin required.